F. Curtis Barry & Company developed these warehouse management ideas to help multichannel businesses with reducing warehouse costs and developing warehouse cost saving strategies. Their assessments are tailor-made to identify your needs and potential improvements to process, layout and use of space, staff productivity, systems and freight analysis. They have been successful in lowering the cost per order, increasing storage capacity within the center, reducing inbound and outbound freight, improving service levels and turnaround times. F. Curtis Barry & Company Fulfillment clients include Positive Promotions, Publishers Clearing House, Sea Bear, Hanna Andersson, LifeWay Christian Resources, Cabela’s, Abercrombie & Fitch, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Belk Inc., Sur La Table, Crutchfield, Urban Outfitters, and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation; to name just a few.
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This article was excerpted from the F. Curtis Barry & Company is a national consulting firm for catalog, e-commerce, and retail businesses offering clients expertise in order management systems, warehouse management systems; warehousing and distribution; inventory management and forecasting solutions; and operational benchmarking for all business channels. This excerpt is reprinted with the express written permission of F. Curtis Barry & Company. FCBCO. ©2014.