Our friends at Ryson Spiral are doing some amazing things, keeping product moving in ultra tight and hard to reach areas.
One of the most appreciated attributes of the Ryson Spiral Conveyor is how easy they are to install. Most spirals ship in one piece – pre-assebled, pre-tested, drastically reducing the time and cost of installation.
They recently delivered spiral conveyors to two large consumer packaging companies having unusual installation requirements. These examples demonstrate Ryson’s ability and willingness to come up with solutions for some pretty interesting installation challenges.
The first example is a 9 1/4 turn spiral 15 foot tall, conveying loads from a mezzanine level to the first floor level. The spiral needed to go through a penetration in the floor and was shipped in two pieces to facilitate the installation in such tight quarters.
The second spiral is also a down spiral 18 feet tall with 6 1/4 turns, conveying cartons from the second floor through a penetration in the floor. The spiral could not be supported from the below floor because there is machinery installed there. So the spiral had to be supported on a cradle hanging from the ceiling.
Read the entire article HERE.